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Zero Space Original (Englisch)

Die Originaldateien und Materialien auf Englisch.


Writing and Design: Brandon Blackmoor Art: Ian Stead (cover art), NASA (cover art) Playtesting:...

Zero Space : Introduction

zerospace noun the gravitational center of a Lorentzian manifold. What Is This? Zero...

Zero Space : Setting

Ancient History The Old Imperium For millennia, the center of the civilized universe was the Ol...

Zero Space : Character Creation

Making up a ZeroSpace character should only take about 15 minutes, once you are somewhat familiar...

Zero Space : Attributes

A character's attributes in ZeroSpace are ranked on a scale from 1 to 10. Most people have attrib...

Zero Space : Skills

Skills allow a character to apply their attributes to solve a specific problem or accomplish a sp...

Zero Space : Aliens

At its height, the Imperium encompassed millions of populated worlds, and that is just a fraction...

Zero Space : Gifts

Gifts are exceptional abilities that a normal sentient can have, but that most sentients do not h...

Zero Space : Esoteric Orders

Living creatures may tap into and utilize an esoteric form of energy which permeates the physical...

Zero Space : Equipment

Characters use equipment to make their efforts more successful. Equipment makes it easier to pick...

Zero Space : Actions

Now we come to the most complicated part of ZeroSpace: actions! There are a lot of rules here bec...

Zero Space : Starships

If this were a starship combat game, rather than a space fantasy roleplaying game, we would make ...

Zero Space : GM Ressources

This chapter provides additional information for the game moderator, such as the movement capabil...

Zero Space : Charactersheets

The ZeroSpace Character Sheet Helper is a LibreOffice spreadsheet intended to facilitate creation...