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Zero Space : Esoterische Orden (in Arbeit)

LivingLebende creaturesWesen maykönnen tapmanchmal intoauf and utilize an esotericeine form ofesoterischer energyenergie, whichdie permeatesdas thePhysische physicalUniversum, universe,einschließlich includingdes hyperspace.Hyperraums Thisdurchzieht. energyDiese isEnegie knownist byunter differentverschiedenen namesNamen bekannt (Psi, thedie Empyrean,Quelle, thedie Lifeweb,Macht, thedas Source,Lebensnetz etc.),etc) andUnd iswird usedauf verschiedne arten und weisen Genutzt, je nach philosophie und ansicht des Benutzers. Die meisten Lebewesen wissen, das es diese Energie gibt, aber nur sehr wenige sind in differentder ways,Lage dependingsie onzu theverwenden.


In andden metaphorMeisten usedgebieten byHaben thosesich seekingdie toVerwender harnessdieser it.Energie Mostin sentientQuasiereligiösen creaturesOrdensgemeinschaften are aware of this energy, if only unconsciously, but very few are capable of manipulating it.zusammengeschlossen.


AlthoughAuch esotericwenn ordersdie areOrden cohesivenach außen theoretisch zusammenhängende Gebilde sind, schwankt die Kontrolle die der orden über seine Mitglieder und auch die die Mitglieder über ihren orden haben je nach Fall beträchtlich. Im Folgenden sind einige Beispiele wie ein solcher Orden organisiert sein kann.

  • Konföderation: Mitglieder des Ordens sind in theory,kleinen, selbstbestimmten Gruppen organisiert. Diese Gruppen nehmen alle Gleichberechtigt an der Steuerung des gesamten Ordens teil.
  • Demokratie: Alle Mitglieder des Ordens können an der Lenkung des Ordens mitwirken. Ältere mitglieder können mehr Einfluss haben als Novizen.
  • Herrschaft des Stärkeren: Der Orden wird durch die Geleitet, die Stark oder Gerissen genug sind, die Macht zu übernehmen. Die erlaubten Methoden dafür sind manchmal durch Traditionen oder Regeln beschränkt.
  • Leistungsgesellschaft: Vertrauen Leitende Positionen zu übernehmen wird denjenigen gewährt, die sich durch Talent und Fähigkeiten auszeichnen.
  • Monarchie: Die Führung des Ordens obliegt einer einzelnen Person, oft bis sie freiwillig abtritt oder stirbt. Die Reichweite der Kontrolle kann durch Gesetz oder Tradition beschrieben und beschränkt sein.
  • Oligarchie: Die Führung des Ordens wird durch eine kleine Elite von Mitgliedern die sich in practiceReichtum, theGeburt, amountHerkunft, ofWissen, controlAusbildung theoder orderStärke hasihre overvorherrschaft itsSichern. membersDiese andVorherrschaft thetendiert amountdazu ofsich influenceselbst memberszu haveerhalten.
  • on
Zufällige order itself vary a great deal.


WouldDie youFolgende likeTabelle tokann randomlyverwendet generatewerden theum organizationeine ofZufällige anOrganisation esotericfür order?einen YouOrden can!



Table: Random esoteric order organization typeOrganisation
RollWurf 1d61w6 TypeTyp
1 ConfederacyKonföderation
2 DemocracyDemokratie
3 KratocracyHerrschaft des Stärkeren
4 MeritocracyLeistungsgesellschaft
5 MonarchyMonarchie
6 OligarchyOligarchie



  • die Confederacy:einzelnen MembersMitglieder ofeines theOrden order are organized into numerous small, self-governing groups. Each group participatessich in overallihrem governanceVerhalten ofuntereinander theunterscheiden order.
  • können,
  • hat Democracy:der AllOrden members of the order participateselbst in governance.den Seniormeisten membersFällen ofRegeln theund ordereine mayDoktrin. haveFür moreMitglieder, influencedie thangegen juniordie members.
  • Regeln
  • ihres Kratocracy:Ordens Theverstoßen ordergibt ises governedeine byReihe thosevon whoStrafen, arevon strongeinfacher enoughkritik, toüber seizeZensur powerund throughAusschluss forceaus ordem cunning.Orden Thebis specific, methodsin permittedseltenen mayfällen, behin circumscribedzu byHinrichtungen lawfür orHeretiker tradition.
  • und
  • Abweichler. Meritocracy:Doktrinen Responsibilitygleichen forin governanceIhren iseigenschaften grantedden toMotivationen membersvon of the order based on their demonstrated talent and ability.
  • Monarchy: Supreme power over the order belongs to an individual, often for life or until abdication. The extent of the monarch's power may be circumscribed by law or tradition.
  • Oligarchy: Governance of the order rests with a small elite segment of the order distinguished by royal, wealth, intellectual, family, military, or religious hegemony. This hegemony tends to be self-perpetuating.


While the individual members of an esoteric order will vary in their behaviour, the order itself generally has an accepted canon and official doctrine. Individuals who violate the order's rules may suffer anything from mild criticism by their peers, to censure, to expulsion. In rare cases, an order may issue a warrant of execution for heretics and apostates.

Would you like to randomly generate the doctrines of an esoteric order? You can!


 Mit den Folgenden Tabellen kann eine Doktrin auch zufällig bestimmt werden:

Table:Zufallsbestimmung RandomDoktrin, esoteric order doctrines, TableTabelle 1
RollWurf 2d62w6 ComplexityKomplexität
2 RollWürfle twicezwei onmal Tableauf Tabelle 2
3-7 RollWürfle threedrei timesmal onauf TableTabelle 2
8-11 RollWürfle fourvier timesmal onauf TableTabelle 2
12 Schism:Schisma, rollwirf onnoch tablemal 1und again,beachte anddie see the note belowNotiz

Schism:Schisma: TheDer esotericOrden orderverfügt isüber dividedzwei intooder twomehrere orzweige moremit opposingsich andwiedersprechenden mutuallyDoktrinen. antagonisticWürfle branches.noch Rolleinmal onauf TableTabelle 1 againum todie determineKomplexität thefestzustellen. complexityHalte ofzur theersten order'sermittelten doctrines.Doktrin Whendas rollingGegenteil onfest. TableDer 2,Größte makeTeil ades noteOrdens offolgt theder firstersten rollDoktrin, andwährend itsein opposite.kleinerer TheTeil majorityder ofGegenteiligen theDoktrin orderfolgt. hasDie theRestlichen firstDoktrinen doctrinesind rolledbei (andbeiden allOrdensteilen successive rolls), but a splinter group has the opposing doctrine (the rest of their doctrines are all the same). For example, the opposing doctrine of "adventure" is "security".gleich.


Table: Random esoteric order doctrines, Table 2

Roll 1d6


RollDoktrin, 1d6 Motivation
Wurf 1w6Wurf 1w6Motivation
1 Adventure1Abenteuer
2 AsceticismAskese
3 AudacityWagemut
4 CommunityGesellschaft
5 CompassionMitgefühl
6 CourageMut
2 1 CuriosityNeugier
2 DetachmentGleichgültigkeit
3 EnlightenmentErleuchtung
4 ExplorationEntdeckung
5 FreedomFreiheit
6 IdealismIdealismus
3 1 JusticeGerechtigkeit
2 MercyGnade
3 NobilityHerrschaftlich
4 Passion
5 PrideStolz
6 Rebellion
RollWurf 1d61w6 RollWurf 1d61w6 Motivation
4 1Sicherheit

Esoterische Kräfte

Dies ist eine Liste typischer esoterischer Kräfte in ZeroSpace. Die Liste ist nicht allumfassend oder exklusiv. Ein Charakter kann auch Kräfte haben, die hier nicht aufgeführt sind, solange sie den hinweisen unter "Neue Kräfte" Folgen und mit dem GM und anderen Spielern abgestimmt werden. Neue Kräfte sollten etwa im gleichen Rahmen bleiben wie die hier aufgeführten. Es sollten am Anfang nicht mehr als 5 CP für Eigenschaften, Gaben und Kräfte ausgegeben werden.

Zufallsbestimmung Esoterischer Kräfte

Mit den Folgenden Tabellen lassen sich die Kräfte aus der Liste auch zufällig auswählen. Jede Kraft kostet einen CP. Addiere die Zahl der Kräfte und ziehe die Summe von deinen CP ab.

Zufällige Anzahl Esoterischer Kräfte
Wurf 1w6Anzahl Kräfte
1 Security1
Typische Esoterische Kräfte
Wurf 1w6Wurf 1w6KraftVorteil
11BeschleunigungDie Kraft verstärkt die Geschicklichkeit für die Zwecke der fortbewegung.
2 MaterialismUmgebungsbewusstseinKann gleichzeitig in alle Richtungen sehen
3 SubtletyTierkontrolleKann mit Tieren mental Kontakt aufnehmen und sie kontrollieren
4 IndividualismVerschmelzenKann sich durch feste Materie wie durch Wasser bewegen
5 WrathBarriereKann Energiewälle und Geometische Formen aus Esoterischer energie Schaffen
6 FearExplosionEin Fernkampfangriff mit Esoterischer Energie
52 1 FaithHellsichtKann versuchen dinge Aus der Entfernung Wahrzunehmen
2 ResponsibilityVerbergenWird für Lebewesen und Maschinen schwer zu entdecken
3 SecrecyKampfmeditationVerstärkt die Moral, wahrnehmung und kontrolle von Verbündeten
4 IsolationAblenkenVerwende eine Psiwaffe um Angriffe abzulenken
5 ControlDissonanzEin Nahkampfangriff der Verteidigung ignoriert
6 PragmatismHarmonieKann in Lebensfeindichen Umgebungen überleben
63 1 Vengeance
2Heilung Ruthlessness
3 Fellowship


Esoteric Powers

This is a list of typical esoteric powers found in a ZeroSpace game. This list is not exhaustive. A character may well have a power not listed here, using the guidelines under New Powers and subject to GM approval. However, any new powers should be approximately as useful as these powers, in order to maintain a sense of fairness with other characters. Each power costs one character point. We suggest spending no more than 5 character points total on alien traits, gifts, and esoteric powers.

Would you like to randomly generate a character's esoteric powers? You can! Consult the "Number of esoteric powers" table.


Table: Random esoteric powers
Roll 1d6Powers
1Roll once on Typical esoteric powers
2-3Roll twice on Typical esoteric powers
4-6Roll three times on Typical esoteric powers

Count the number of esoteric powers, and subtract that number from your pool of character points.


Table: Typical esoteric powers
Roll 1d6Roll 1d6PowerBenefit
11AccelerationPower adds to Agility for the purpose of walking and swimming speed
2Ambient AwarenessCan see equally well in every direction simultaneously
3Animal ControlCan communicate with and mentally control non-sentient animals
4AssimilationMove through solid matter as though through water
5BarrierCan use esoteric energy to create walls and simple geometric shapes
6BlastA ranged attack using esoteric energy
21ClairvoyanceCan attempt to perceive things at a distance
2CloakBecome difficult to perceive by living beings and machines
3Conflict MeditationEnhance allies' morale, coordination, and precision
4DeflectionUse a a psiblade or psistaff to divert or avoid ranged attacks
5DissonanceA Close Combat attack which ignores all normal forms of protection
6HarmonySurvive in environments and conditions that would impair or even kill normal people
31HealingRevitalize a character who has lost Endurance in combathat.
2 Illusion CreateKann realisticRealistische three-dimensional3D phantasmsPhantome erstellen
3 InstillEmotionale EmotionBeeinflussung InfluenceKontrolliere adie target'sHandlungen behavioureines byZiels controllingdurch theirseine emotional stateemotionen
4 LeapingSprung LeapSpring impossiblyunglaublich farweit --> moreNoch thannicht aFliegen, mereaber jump, but not quite flyingfast
5 Life ExtensionLebensverlängerung NeverRelatie grow old nor die from "natural causes"Unsterblichkeit
6 Meditation FocusVerwende esotericEsoterische energyEnergie toum healdich muchschneller fasterzu than the typical humanoiderhohlen
4 1 Mind ShieldGeistesschild ResistantResistenz togegen mentalMentale attacksAngriffe andund unnatural coercionBeeinflussungen
2 ObjectGegenstände AnimationBeleben AnimateBelebe andund mentallyKontrolliere controlunbelebte an inanimate objectObjekte
3 OverrideÜberschreiben CommunicateKommuniziere withund anderhalte mentallymentale controlKontrolle anüber androidIntelligente orMaschienen otherund sentient machineAndroiden
4 Plant ControlPflanzenkontrolle AnimateBelebe andund mentallykontrolliere control a non-sentient plantPflanzen
5 PossessionBesitzergreifen SeizeÜbernimm controldie ofKontrolle aüber target,ein effectivelyLebewesen makingund themmach aes passengerquasie inzu theireinem ownGast bodyim eigenen Körper
6 PremonitionVorahnung AvoidWerde beingnicht surprisedmehr evendurch ifAngriffe thereüberrascht, isauch nowenn waydu tosie seenicht thekommen attack comingsiehst
5 1 ProbabilityWahrscheinlichkeitsmanipulation InfluenceBeeinflusse thedie odds,gesetze playingder fast and loose with the laws of chanceWahrscheinlichkeit
2 RapportBericht CommunicateKommuniziere withmit inanimateObjekten objectsauf ineine waysWeise, thatdie peopleandere normallynicht can'tverstehen können
3 ReflectionReflektieren UseVerwende aeine psibladePsiwaffe orum psistaffProjektile tozu reflect a ranged attack back at the attackerReflektieren
4 SelectiveSelektive GravityGravitation MoveBewege atdich normalan groundWänden speedund alongDecken walls,und ceilings,anderen andoberflächen other surfacesentlang
5 Sensory DeprivationSinnesentzug RenderMach aein targetZiel unableBlind tooder see or hearTaub
6 Shadow WalkSchattensprung TravelReise fromdurch oneSchatten pointohne todich anotherim withoutRealen traversingraum thezu intervening spacebewegen
6 1 Stasis PutVersetze aein targetZiel intoin a fugue state, unable to move, think, or take any actionsStasis
2 SuggestionBeeinflussung InfluenceBeeinflusse alebewesen livingdazu creature'sdeinen behaviour,Befehlen forcingzu the target to obey the character's commandgehorrchen
3 TelekinesisTelekinese MentallyBewege grappleDinge amit characterdeinem or object without touching themGeist
4 TelepathyTelepathie CommunicateKommuniziere directlyMental withmit the mind of another personanderen
5 TormentFolter AEin mentalMentaler RangedFernkampfangriff, Combatder attackVerteidigungen which ignores all normal forms of protectionignoriert
6 WardAbwehr UseVerwende aeine psibladePsiwaffe orum psistaffdich aszu protection against most forms of direct damageVerteidigen



AccelerationBeschleunigung allowserlaubt thees charactereinem toCharakter runsich andunglaublich swimSchnell impossiblyzu fast.bewegen. TheDie character'sMacht Powerdieses isCharakters addedwird tofür theirBewegungsaktionen Agilityzu forseiner theGeschicklichkeit purposegerechnet. ofSteigert determiningsich theirdadurch walkingder andbewegungswert swimming speed. If the character's Agility + Power is greater thanüber 10, theso character'skann walk,der run,Spielleiter andweitere sprintInformationen movementzur speedGeschwindigkeit can be found in the GM Resources chapter.geben.

Ambient AwarenessUmgebungsbewusstsein

ThroughDurch theirihre connectionVerbindung withzur theesoterischen esotericEnergie energywelche suffusingdas theUniversum universe,erfüllt, akann characterein withCharakter Ambientmit AwarenessUmgebungsbewusstsein cansein perceive equally wellUmfeld in everyjeder directionRichtung simultaneously.wahrnehmen. TheDer characterCharakter canist sensein shapesder andlage texturesFormen, asTexturen clearlyund asBewegungen withwahrzunehmen, ordinaryals vision,würde buter withoutsie thesehen, abilityer toist perceiveallerdings color.nicht Ambientfähig AwarenessFarben canzu beerkennen.


Umgebungsbewusstsein withkann aals freefreie action.Aktion verwendet werden.

Animal ControlTierkontrolle

AnimalTierkontrolle Controlerlaubt allowses aeinem characterCharakter tomental communicatemit withnicht andIntelligenten mentallyLebewesen controlin a non-sentient animal within medium rangemittlerer (5050m) m).Reichweiter Thezu attackkommunizieren valueund sie zu kontrollieren. Der Angriffswert (AV) ofvon theTierkontrolle Animalist Controlgleich isder equalSumme toaus theWille attacker'sund PresenceMacht des Charakters. Um Erfolgreich einen Kontakt aufzubauen und die Kontrolle zu übernehmen, muss der Charakter eine Probe auf Überzeugen (Wille + Power.Macht) Tobestehen. successfullyDer communicateVerteidigungswert witheines andZiels mentallyist controlgleich aseines non-sentientWillens. animal,Über theden characterDaumen mustgepeilt succeedist atder aWille Manipulationeines (PresenceHaustieres +etwa Power)2 roll.und Theder defensewille valueeines (DV)Wildtieres of the target is equal to their Presence: as a rule of thumb, the Presence of a domesticated animal is usually 2, and the Presence of a wild animal is usuallyetwa 6.

ControlledKontrollierte animalsTiere havehaben thedie sameselben actionsAktionen aswie anormale normal characterCharaktere (freefreie actions,Aktionen, movementBewegungsaktionen, action,normale taskAktionen, action,Reaktionen) reaction),und andagieren operateeigenständig independentlyvom ofsie theKontrollierenden characterCharakter. controllingUm them.einem GivingTier aein newneues mentalKommando commandzu togeben, themuss controlledder animalskontrolleur requireseine afreie freeAktion action.verwenden.

TheDie attributesAttribute ofeines theTieres controlledsind animalsgleich areden equalnormalerweise tobei theeinem normalsolchen attributesTier thosezu kindserwartenden ofwerten. animalsDie wouldTiere have.sind However,jedoch controlledresistent animalsgegen areweitere resistantmanipulationen, tound furtherhaben mentaleinen manipulation,Willen havingwie Presenceden equaldes tosie thekontrollierenden characterCharakters. controllingKontrollierte them.Tiere Controlledhaben animalsdie havenormalen thebewegungs normalund movementangriffsaktionen anddie attackTiere typesnormalerweise thathaben those kinds of animals would have.würden.


AssimilationVerschmelzen allowserlaubt aes charactereinem toCharakter movesich throughmit solidseiner matterUmgebung aszu thoughverbinden throughund water,sich leavingdurch nofeste traceMaterie ofzu theirbewegen passage.als Thewäre movementes speedWasser. ofEr ahat charactersomit usingin Materie die selbe Bewegungsreichweite wie beim Schwimmen. Er kann auch doppelte Bewegungen und Sprintaktionen durchführen.

Ein Charakter der Verschmelzen benutzt kann keine Kraft oder Energiefelder durchbrechen. Bis auf diese Ausnahme stellen aber Physische Gegenstände generell kein Hindernis dar. Assimilation iserlaubt equales tojedoch theirnicht swimEnergie- speed.oder ThePhysische characterProjektile mayeinfach makepassieren azu double-movelassen, orda swimderen sprint using Assimilation.

A character using Assimilation cannot pass through a force field or other energy shield; other than this, objectsBewegung in theder physicalRegel worldzu generallyschnell haveist noals effectdas oneine aVerschmelzung charactermöglich using Assimilation, or vice versa. However, Assimilation itself provides no protection against


BarrierBarriere permitserlaubt thees characterCharakteren toihre useesoterischen esotericEnergien energyzu toverwenden createum wallsWände andund simple geometricGeometrische shapesformen withinin mediumMittlerer rangeReichweite (50zu m).erzeugen. TheDer attackAktionswert valueeiner (AV)Barriere ofist thegleich Barrierder isSumme equalaus toGeschick theund attacker's Agility + Power.Macht.

CreatingUm aeine simpleeinfache shapeForm withmit BarrierBarriere zu erzeugen (aWand, wall,Kuppel, dome,Kugel, cube,Quader andetc) sozu on)erzeugen requiresmuss a moderately difficulteine (DV 3) Ranged CombatFernkampf (AgilityGeschick + Power)Macht) roll.Probe Creatingbestanden morewerden. complexKomplexere shapesFormen issteigern moreauch difficult,die withSchwierigkeit theder difficultyProbe, setwelche by theder GM basedfestsetzt. onEin theLabyrinth complexitybeispielsweise ofwürde theeine desired shape. For example, an intricate labyrinth would require a remarkably difficult (DV 6)6 RangedProbe Combat (Agility + Power) roll.verlangen.

TheKraft Brawnund andAusdauer Enduranceder ofBarriere thesind Barriergleich isder equalMacht todes theCharakters Powerder ofsie theerschafft. characterDie creatingKraft it.der TheBarriere Brawnbestimmt, ofgegen thewelche BarrierWerte issie usedsich bothverteidigen forkann itsund defensewelche valueGewichte andsie totragen supportkann weight(sei ases aals bridge,Brücke, supportImprovisierte column,Säule oroder otherals suchDach. structure.Sollte Ifdie theAusdauer loadeiner onBarriere theauf Barrier0 exceedsFallen theoder maximumsie massihre itmaximalen canKraftwerte support,überschritten orwerde, ifso thelöst Barrier'ssich Endurancedie isBarriere reduced to zero, it fades away.auf.

IfFalls aeine BarrierBarriere isnicht notangegriffen attackedoder orbeschädigt damaged,wird, itbleibt willsie normallynormalerweise remainbestehen, inbis placedie untilSzene theEndet. endDanach ofverblasst thesie scene, after which it fades away.langsam.


BlastExplosion isist aein short rangekurzreichweitiger (1010m) m)angriff attackmit ofEsoterischer pureEnerge, esotericder energyAusdauerschaden whichverursacht. inflictsSein EnduranceAV Thegleich attackder valueSumme (AV)aus ofGeschick theund BlastMacht isdes equalAngreifers, toder theVerteidigungswert attacker'sdes AgilityZiels +entspricht Power.der TheSumme defenseaus valueGeschick (DV)und ofeventuellen theRüstungswerten, targetdie isvor equalAusdauerschaden to their Agility, plus the rating of their armor or energy shield, or a power which provides protection against Endurance damage (such as Ward).schützen.


WithMit Clairvoyance,Hellsicht thekann characterein canCharakter attemptveruschen todinge perceiveauf thingsentfernung atWahrzunehmen. aDer distance.Aktionswert Thevon actionHellischt valueist gleich der Summe aus Wille und Macht des verwenders. Typischerweise hat eine Probe einen moderaten (AV)DV3) ofWert theauf ClairvoyanceWahrnehmung. isDer equalWert tokann thesich attacker'sin Reasonabhängigkeit +zur Power.Umgebung Thisund isdes typicallyWahrzunehmenden aobjektes moderatelyÄndern. difficultFalls (DVein 3)Ziel Perceptionoffensichtlich (Reasonist, +sollte Power)kein roll,Wurf butnötig thesein. difficultyDie mayReichweite bevon higherHellsicht dependingist ontheoretisch theunbegrenzt, ambientHellsicht "noise"ist andnie how100% subtleverlässlich, thees thingist beinghauptsächlich perceivedauch is.ein Ifmittel thezum thingRollenspiel beingunter perceivedKontrolle isdes relatively obvious (to someone with the appropriate senses), no roll should be necessary. The range of Clairvoyance is essentially unlimited (remote range), but it is never completely reliable: it is primarily a roleplaying power under the control of the GM.Spielleiters.


CloakVerbergen allowserlaubt thees characterCharakteren tonicht becomeoder difficultnur towenig perceive,wahrgenommen byzu bothwerden, livingsowohl beingsvon andbiologischen machines.Wesen Theals characterauch isvon hiddenMaschienen. fromDer normalCharakter sensesist unlessfür someoneBeobachter isfaktisch activelyunsichtbar, lookingsolange fornicht themspezifisch ornach thereihm isGesucht somewird environmentaloder circumstancees thatbesondere mightUmgebungsumstände revealgibt. theDer character'sAktionswert location.für TheVerbergen actionist value (AV) of the Cloak is equal to the character's PresenceWille + Power.Macht.

IfWenn someonejemand isaktiv activelynach lookingeinem forCharaker themit character,Verbergen thesucht, personsei tryinges todurch locateWärmescans, thedurch cloakedGeruch characteroder mustdurch makeGewichtsveränderungen, amuss successfulder PerceptionSuchende (Reason)eine rollErfolgreiche againstProbe theauf actionWahrnehmung valuegegen ofden theAktionswert cloakedder character.Tarnung Amachen. characterCharaktere withmit ClairvoyanceHypersensivität oroder HyperacuityHellsicht maykönnen adddabei theireventuell Powerebenfalls toauf theirihren ReasonMachtwert whenzurückgreifen. attemptingGibt toes noticeUmwelteinflüsse adie charactereinen usingCharakter Cloak.verraten Ifkönnten, anso environmentalsinkt circumstanceder mightAktionswert revealauf theden character'sWillenswert, location,der anyoneMachtfaktor verfällt. Beispiele sind Spuren in theSand areaoder maySchnee attemptoder a Perception (Reason) roll against the action value of the cloaked characterNebel in orderdem toder noticeCharakter theeinen character.Umriss For example, fog might reveal a cloaked character's outline, or fresh snow might reveal their footprints.hinterlässt.

TheDer characterCharakter maykann cloakauch anothereine personandere orPerson person-sizedoder object,ein butetwa onlyPersonengroßes asObjekt longverbergen, assolange theer charactersein withZiel the Cloak power is touching the second character or object.berührt.

CloakVerbergen cankann beals activatedfreie withAktion averwendet free action.werden.

Conflict MeditationKampfmeditation

ConflictKampfmeditation Meditationerlaubt allowses aeinem characterCharakter toseine enhance their allies' morale, coordination, and precision. Each of the character's alliesVerbündete in theMoral, currentPräzision battle,und noKoordination matterzu howunterstützen. largeUnterstützte orCharaktere smallerhalten the conflict, gains a bonusfür die onDauer allder rollsKampfmeditation forBonuswürfel soauf longalle asProben. theKampfmeditation characterist maintainsnicht theirkumulativ, Conflictsprich Meditation.mehrere However,Kampfmeditationen multiplebringen uses of Conflict Meditation are not cumulative: if more than one character is using Conflict Meditation, their allies only receive a single bonus die.nichts.

ACharaktere characterkönnen maynichts takeAnderes notun, otherwährend actionssie whilesich usingin ConflictKampfmeditation Meditation,befinden, evenauch freekeine actionsFreien andund roleplaying actions.Rollenspielaktionen.


DuringWährend theirseines turn,Zuges oroder asals aerzwungene forcedAktion action,kann aein characterCharakter withmit DeflectionAblenken armedmittels withPsiwaffen aFernkampf psibladeangriffe orablenken psistaffdie mayauf divertein orEinzelnes avoidZiel agerichtet successfulsind. rangedDer single-targetAktionswert attack.von TheAblenken actionist valuegleich (AV)des ofGeschicklichkeitswertes Deflectiondes isCharakters equalplus toseiner theMacht. character'sUm Agilityerfolgreich +einen Power.Angriff Toabzulenken, successfullymuss deflectder anCharakter attack,gegen theden characterAngriffswert mustdes rollUrsprünglichen againstAngriffs the attack value of the original attack.würfeln.

IfFalls thedie rollProbe fails,scheitert thewird characterder isCharakter struckvon byder theAttake attack,getroffen. asEin usual.Charakter Ader characterseinen whoZug isverwendet usingum theirAngriffe actionabzulenken, tokann deflectdiese attacksAktion maybis continuezu toseinem attemptNächsten tozug deflect attacks until they take their next turn.fortsetzen.


DissonanceDissonanz isist anein unarmedUnbewaffneter Close CombatNahkampfangriff (Power)Macht) attackwelcher whichAusdauerschaden inflictsverursacht. EnduranceDer damage.AV Thevon actionDissonanz valueist (AV)gleich ofder DissonanceMacht isdes equalAngreifers, toder theVerteidiger attacker'sverteidigt Power,sich andwie thegegen target'seinen defenseNahkampfangriff. valueDissonanz (DV)Ignoriert isverteidigungen equalwie toSchilde theiroder Brawn. Dissonance ignores all normal forms of protection such as armor and energy shields.Rüstungen.


HarmonyHarmonie permitserlaubt thees charactereinem toCharakter survivesich seiner umwelt anzupassen, wenn diese normalerweise tödlich wäre. Die können Giftige Atmospheren, Unterwasserwelten oder Vulkanplaneten sein. Weiterhin eliminiert Harmonie die Notwendigkeit für einen Charakter zu essen oder zu schlafen. Auch Vieren, Bakterien und Gifte sind gegen diesen Charakter nicht effektiv.

Die Vorteile durch Harmonie sind hintergründig und in environmentshohem andGrade conditionsvon thatder wouldGeschichte impairabhängig. orSie evenschützt killnicht normalvor people.Angriffen Thisoder includesPlötzlich unusualeintretenden orEffekten evenwie poisonousein atmospheres,Feuerball. suchIm asGroßen underwaterund orGanzen inbedeutet methane.das: ItSolange alsoes includesals environmentsein ofKonventioneller extremeAngriff cold,verwendet extremewird, heat,verleiht andHarmonie intensekeine ionizing radiation. The character may sleep or eat if they want to, but they suffer no ill effect from lack of food or sleep. Furthermore, the character is unaffected by infectious viruses, bacteria, chemical and biological poisons, toxins, and so on.Immunität.

TheHarmonie benefitmuss providednicht byaktiviert Harmonywerden, issolange ambientder andCharakter highlybei plotbewusstsein dependent:ist. itFür doesMehr nothintergründe normallyzu protectUmgebungseffekten thesiehe characterdas fromKapitel attacksfür or from direct forms of damage. Being able to withstand extreme heat and exposure to the blazing desert sun does not mean that a character is immune to a fire blast. A good rule of thumb is that if someone else is using it as an attack, the character is not immune to it.

Harmony does not need to be activated: it is always on, as long as the character is alert. For more details on the effects of the environment on a character, see Hostile Environments in the GM Resources chapter.Spielleiter.


HealingHeilung isfunktioniert awie closeein rangeNahkampfangriff, "attack"nur whichdas restoresder lostAngriff Endurance.ausdauer Thewiederherrstellt characterstatt withsie Healingzu mayvermindern. useEin aCharakter taskmit actionder toHeilungseigenschaft attemptkann  amoderate moderatelyProbe difficultMedizin (Ziel DV 3)3, MedicineMacht) (Power)durchführen rollum toWunden healzu theheilen. victim'sBei injuries.erfolg Ifwird theein characterPunkt succeedsin atAusdauer thisregeneriert, roll,es thensei onedenn Endurancees iswerden restoreddie toErfolgsmargen theRegeln victim (or more, if using the optional margin of success rules).verwendet.

HealingHeilung cankann removeauch diseases,Krankheiten, pathogens,Erreger andund poisonsgifte fromvon theeinem target.Ziel Theentfernen. characterUm withdies Healingzu mayerreichen attemptist adas moderatelyVorgehen difficultgleich, (DVnur 3)das Medicinekeine (Power)Ausdauer rollwiederhergestellt towird, curesondern aeiner singleder diseaseEffekte orgeheilt purge a single toxin from the victim's system.wird.


TheDie Kraft der Illusion powererlaubt permitses theeinem characterCharakter torealistische, createdreidimensionale realisticphantomgestalten three-dimensionalüberall phantasms anywhere within medium rangein (5050m) m),umkreis completezu witherschaffen. allDies associatedbeinhaltet sensoryauch accompaniment.alle AnSensorischen illusorybegleiterscheinungen. lionEin willillusorischer roar,Löwe illusorywird snowbrüllen, willillusorischer feelschnee coldwird andsich wet,kalt andanfühelen und so on.weiter. TheDer actionAktionswert value (AV) of theder Illusion isist equalgleich toder theSumme creator'saus PresenceWille +und Power.Macht.

CreatingEine asimple simple,unbewegliche immobile illusionIllusion (aeine wall,Mauer, aeine bridge,Brücke andetc) soerfordert on)einen requiresModeraten aTäuschen moderately difficultWurf (DVWille+Macht). 3)Kompliziertere DeceptionFormen (Presencewürden +höhere Power)Proben roll.verlangen. CreatingEine moreBewegliche complexIllusion shapeswie requiresene aWindmühele, moreein difficultLöwe roll,oder withein theAuto difficultywürden seteine byProbe thevon GM6 basedverlangen, onwährend thedie complexityIllusion ofeines theGanzen desiredHäuserblocks ForAutos, example,Menschen aFahrrädern windmill,etc aeine lion,Probe orvon other9 movingerfordern shape would require a remarkably difficult (DV 6) Deception (Presence + Power) roll, while a city square with moving cars, bicycles, and dozens of people would require an extremely difficult (DV 9) Deception (Presence + Power) roll.würde.

WhileWährend thedie illusionsIllusionen createdkomplett byecht thisaussehen, powerexistieren aresie completelynicht. convincing,Der theyBiss don'teines actuallyIllusorischen exist.Hundes Thewird bitenicht ofSchmerzen, aneine illusoryillusorische dogBrücke willniemanden nottragen. breakDas theGefühl skin,beim theBerühren toucheiner ofIllusion illusoryist liquidnur nitrogendann willecht, notwenn causedie frostbite,Berührung andFlüchtig anbleibt. illusoryJede bridgedirekter willInteraktion notmit supportdem theillusorischen weightgegenstand ofwird anyone.dem TheBeobachter tactileeinen aspectHinweis ofdarauf angeben illusiondas willetwas onlynicht be convincing if the contact is fleeting or feather-light: any significant physical interaction with an illusion provides an observer with a good reason to suspect that the apparition is not the genuine article.stimmt.

AnyoneJeder whoder observesetwas anBeobachtet und begründete Zweifel hat ob etwas echt ist, kann eine Probe auf Wahrnehmung gegen den Erzeugungswert durchführen. Falls die Probe auf Wahrnehmung erfolgreich ist, erkennt der Beobachter die Illusion andals whowas hassie aist goodund reasonkann toentsprechend suspectdarauf its true nature may attempt a Perception (Reason) roll against the creator's action value. If the Perception (Reason) roll succeeds, the observer sees the Illusion for what it is, and may respond appropriately.Reagieren.

InstillEmotionale EmotionBeeinflussung

InstillEmotionale Beeinflussung ist eine kraft mit kurzer (10m) reichweite, die es einem Charakter erlaubt das verhalten anderer zu beeinflussen in dem sie ihren Emotionalen Zustand kontrollieren. Es ist nur möglich eine Emotion isgleichzeitig ain shorteinem rangeZiel (10zu m)erwecken, poweraber whichdie allowsWahl a character to influence a target's behaviour by controlling their emotional state. The character can only instill oneder emotion atist avöllig timefrei. inDer theAV target,der butBeeinflussung mayist instillder inWert theaus targetWille anyund emotionMacht. theUm charactererfolgreich desires. The attack value (AV) of Instilleine Emotion iszu equalwecken, toist thees attacker'snötig Presenceeinen +erfolgreichen Power.Wurf To successfully instill an emotion in the target, the character must succeed at aauf Manipulation (PresenceWille + Power)Macht) roll.durchzuführen. TheDer defenseVerteidigungswert valueeines (DV)Ziels ofentspricht thedessen target is equal to their Presence.Willen.

ToUm breakaus freeder ofBeeinflussung thefreizubrechen, Instillmuss Emotion,das theZiel targetder mustBeeinflussung makeerfolgreicheinen averteidigungswurf successfulgegen defenseden valueAngriffswert rollschaffen. against


Falls attackdas valueZiel ofnoch thenicht ForEnde example,einer ifSzene avon character is affected by Instillder Emotion frombefreit aist, characterwird withes attackihm valuekurz 5,danach they would need to make a Presence roll against 2d6 + 5.

If the target has not broken free of the Instill Emotion by the end of the scene, then they break free of it shortly thereafter.gelingen.


ADer characterCharakter withkann Leapingunglaublich canweit leapSpringen. impossiblyMehr farals --ein morenormaler thanSprung, aaber merenicht jump,ganz butFliegen. notDie quiteDistanz flying.die Theder distanceCharakter themit characterSprigen mayentspricht moveseinem withJeweiligen aBewegungswert. LeapVerfügt isder equalCharakter tozusätzlich theirnoch Agility-basedüber walkingBeschleunigung speedwird perder round.Machtwert Ifzur theermittlung characterdes alsoBewegungswert hashinzuaddiert. theMit esotericSpringen powersind Acceleration,auch thedoppelte character'sund PowerSprintbewegungen ismöglich. addedFührt toein theirCharakter Agilitymit toSpringen determineeinen theirWeitsprung walkingaus speed,dem andLauf thusdurch, theso distanceverdoppelt theysich mayEffektv movedie withSprungdistanz adie Itdurch isSpringen not possible to jump or leap using a double move (run) or all-out move (sprint), but with a running long jump, the character's ground movement is added to their long jump distance (effectively doubling their Leap distance).hätte.

Life ExtensionLebensverlängerung

AEin characterCharakter withmit LifeLebensverlängerung Extension has mastered the use of esoteric energy to forestall the ravages of time. The character will never grow old orhat die fromVerwendung "naturalder causes",esoterischen untilEnergien theyum choosedie toZeichen doder so.Zeit von sich abzuwenden gemeistert. Der Charakter wird nicht altern oder einen Natürlichen Tod erleiden, solange sie sich nicht dazu entscheiden (Everyonejedes does,Lebewesen eventually.)tut das irgendwann)


Meditation acceleratesbeschleunigt theden healingHeilungsprozess processeines andCharakters. allowsNormalerweise theRegeneriert characterein toCharakter recoveretwa fromdie injuryHälfte moreder quickly.Ausdauer, Normally,die aner injuredverloren characterhat mayin recoverdem halfer ofetwa theireine losthalbe EnduranceStunde pausiert. Alles was darüber hinaus geht, erfordert es mindestens eine Nacht lang zu schlafen und sich zu erholen. Sollte ein Charakter nicht in irgendeiner weise grausam verletzt sein (roundedverlust down)einer byGliedmaße) restingwird foreine aboutNacht halfrast anausreichen, hour.den AfterCharakter that,wieder a character may only recover additional Endurance by getting a good night's sleep (or its equivalent, for characters who don't sleep). Barring some gruesome disfigurement, a character's Endurance will be completely replenished after a solid night's rest.herzustellen.

MeditationCharaktere drastically reduces this recovery time: the character recovers half of the Endurance they have lost (rounded down) after they have had a chance to rest and recuperate for one full minute. After that, the character will regain the rest of their lost Endurance by meditating for about half an hour. Most characters withmit Meditation canstellen evendie regrowHälfte lostihrer limbsfehlenden orausdauer damagedinnerhalb organs.einer Minute wieder her. (Dies würde bedeuten, wenn sie sich für 10 Runden aus einem Kampf zrückziehen könnten, könnten sie die hälfte ihrer Ausdauer regenerieren, sofern sie nicht gestört werden.) Nach einer eine halbe Stunde in anspruch nehmenden Pause wäre ihre Ausdauer vollständig wiederhergestellt. Charaktere mit Meditation können eventuell sogar verlorene Gliedmaßen oder Organe Regenerieren.

Mind ShieldGeistesschild

ACharaktere charactermit withder MindFähigkeit ShieldGeistesschild issind resistantresistent togegenüber mentalMentalen attacksAngriffen andund unnaturalTelepathischen coercion.überzeugungsversuchen. WhenFalls targetedsie bymit anetwas attackAngegriffen whichwerden, basesgegen thedas target'ssie defensesich valuemit (DV)ihrem onwert thein target'sWille Presence,verteidigen theist character'swird effectiveder PresenceWert isin doubled.Wille für die berechnung der DV verdoppelt.

MindGeistesschild Shieldmuss doesnicht notAktiviert needwerden, toes beist activated:aktiv, itsolange isder alwaysCharakter active,bei asBewusstsein long as the character is

Object AnimationGegenstandsbelebung

Object Animation allows a character to animate and mentally control an inanimate, nonliving object within medium range (50 m). The action value (AV) of the Object Animation is equal to the character's Presence + Power. To successfully animate and mentally control an object, the character must succeed at a moderately difficult (DV 3) Manipulation (Presence + Power) roll.

An animated object has the same actions as a normal character (free actions, movement action, task action, reaction), and operates independently of the character that animated it. However, it will continue to perform the last instruction it was given even if that instruction no longer makes sense, as it has no will of its own. Giving a new mental command to an animated object requires a task action.

The Brawn of the object is based on its physical structure and durability: as a rule of thumb, the Brawn can be based on the Brawn it would take to lift the object. The Agility and Presence of the object are equal to the Power of the character animating it. Animated objects are not actually alive or aware, so they have no Reason or Power. The specific details of the how the object moves and attacks vary depending on the object itself: an animated chair can walk, a carpet can slither, and so on.

The most massive object the character can animate is based on the character's Power.


Table: Object AnimationGegenstandsbelebung
PowerMacht Maximum
MassMaximale Objektmasse
1 45 kg
2 65 kg
3 90 kg
4 125 kg
5 180 kg
6 250 kg
7 350 kg
8 500 kg
9 700 kg
10 1,000 kg


Override allows a character to communicate with and mentally control an android or other sentient machine within medium range (50 m). The attack value (AV) of the Override is equal to the attacker's Presence + Power. To successfully communicate with and mentally control an android, the character must succeed at a Manipulation (Presence + Power) roll. The defense value (DV) of the target is equal to their Presence.

Sentient machines under the influence of Override are not as effective as those whose wills are their own. Any roll attempted by a character under the influence of Override (other than trying to break out of it) incurs a roll penalty (-3), and a sentient machine under the influence of Override is not able to spend plot points on anything other than trying to break out of it.

To break free of the Override, the target must make a successful defense value roll against the attack value of the attacker. If the affected machine succeeds at this roll, they may use their remaining movement action. For example, if a machine is affected by Override from a character with attack value 6, they would need to roll against 2d6 + 6.

If a machine under the influence of Override is voluntarily released by the character who controlled them, the Override ends, and the machine affected by the Override will go on their way none the wiser. Similarly, if the machine has not broken free of the Override by the end of the scene, then they break free of it shortly thereafter.

Plant ControlPflanzenkontrolle

Plant Control allows a character to animate and mentally control a non-sentient plant within medium range (50 m). The action value (AV) of the Plant Control is equal to the character's Presence + Power. To successfully animate and mentally control a plant, the character must succeed at a moderately difficult (DV 3) Manipulation (Presence + Power) roll. To successfully animate and mentally control all plants within medium range (50 m), the character must succeed at a remarkably difficult (DV 6) Manipulation (Presence + Power) roll.

An animated plant has the same actions as a normal character (free actions, movement action, task action, reaction), and operates independently of the character that animated it. However, it will continue to perform the last instruction it was given even if that instruction no longer makes sense, as it has no will of its own. Giving a new mental command to an animated plant requires a task action.

The Brawn of the plant is based on its size and physical structure: as a rule of thumb, the Brawn can be based on the Brawn it would take to lift the plant. The Agility and Presence of the plant are equal to the Power of the character animating it. Animated plants are not actually sentient, so they have no Reason or Power. The specific details of the how the plant moves and attacks vary depending on the plant itself: an animated tree can walk, a mass of vines can slither, and so on.


Possession power allows a character to seize control of a target, suppressing their volition and effectively making them a passenger in their own body. The attack value (AV) of Possession is equal to the attacker's Presence + Power. To successfully seize control of a target, the character must succeed at a Manipulation (Presence + Power) roll. The defense value (DV) of the target is equal to their Presence. Possession is a short range (10 m) power, but once the target is possessed, they will remain possessed even if they leave this range.

While the character is using Possession on another person, their own body collapses into a trance-like state. A possessed character is not able to spend plot points, but the possessing character can spend their own plot points while controlling a target.

To break free of the Possession, the target must make a successful defense value roll against the attack value of the attacker. If the possessed character succeeds at this roll, they may use their remaining movement action. For example, if a character is affected by Possession from a character with attack value 8, they would need to make a Presence roll against 2d6 + 8.


Premonition permits the character to sense danger and avoid being surprised, even if there is no way for the character to see the attack coming. The action value (AV) of the Premonition is equal to the character's Reason + Power. To perceive a source of danger, the character must succeed at a moderately difficult (DV 3) Perception (Reason + Power) roll. If the character succeeds at a remarkably difficult (DV 6) Perception (Reason + Power) roll, then they know the exact source and nature of the attack. Premonition is a reaction: a character with Premonition may attempt to predict as many attacks as they like, as often as they like.

The character may also be able to see into the future, or "read" the destiny of items and people by touching them. Seeing into the future is never completely reliable: this aspect of Premonition is primarily a roleplaying power under the control of the GM.


A character with Probability can influence the odds, playing fast and loose with the laws of chance. Probability does not allow the character to break the laws of physics or make impossible things happen, but a character with Probability can make unlikely events likely and likely events unlikely.

Using Probability requires the player to describe a favorable or unfavorable circumstance and how that circumstance might have come about. If the GM agrees that the circumstance is possible (however unlikely it might be), then the GM will decide how this unlikely event impacts the character. The simplest way to translate this favorable or unfavorable circumstance into game terms is to grant a bonus die if the circumstance is favorable for the character attempting the task or to impose a penalty die if the circumstance is unfavorable for the character attempting the task. The use of Probability could also influence events in a less straightforward manner, and the GM should encourage players to be creative with the power. Each use of Probability should be roughly as useful as a bonus or a penalty: significant, but not game-breaking.

Probability can be used as a free action or as a reaction: a character with Probability may attempt to influence the odds whenever they like. During each game session, the number of times the character can influence probability is equal to the character's Power. Probability may be used to influence a roll either before or immediately after the roll has been made.


Rapport is a short range (10 m) power which permits the character to communicate with inanimate objects in ways that people normally can't. For example, a character with Rapport may communicate with buildings and other artificial structures, non-sentient machines, non-sentient plants, paths and roads, and rocks and stones. The action value (AV) of the Rapport is equal to the character's Presence + Power. To communicate with an inanimate object, the character must succeed at a moderately difficult (DV 3) Diplomacy (Presence + Power) roll.

Inanimate objects, not truly being sentient, do not generally lie or withhold information. However, being able to speak to something does not grant it any additional powers, such as movement. A building might be able to tell you where the vault is, but it can't unlock the vault for you.

The character can see into the past, viewing or "reading" the history of items and objects by touching them. Seeing into the past is never completely reliable: this use of Rapport is primarily a roleplaying power under the control of the GM.


During their turn, or as a forced action, a character with Reflection may use a psiblade or psistaff to reflect a successful ranged single-target attack back at the attacker. The action value (AV) of Reflection is equal to the character's Agility + Power. To successfully reflect an attack, the character must roll against the attack value of the original attack.

If the roll fails, the character is struck by the attack, as usual. If the roll succeeds, the character with Reflection may use a free action to make a ranged attack against the original attacker, using the reflecting character's attack value or the original attacker's attack value, whichever is greater. A character who is using their action to reflect attacks may continue to attempt to reflect attacks until they take their next turn.

SelectiveSelektive GravityGravitation

SelectiveSelektive GravityGravitation allowserlaubt thees charactereinem toCharakter movedie atrichtung theirder normalGravitation grounddie speedauf alongihn walls,wirkt ceilings,anzupassen.Er andkann othersich surfacesmit asseiner ifbewegung theyauf wereWändern, level.Decken Theoder strengthan holdinganderen theOberflächen characterbewegen toals thewären surfacesie isebener equalBoden. toDie theirStärke Brawn.die Ifden theCharakter surfacean isder slipperyoberfläche orhält unstable,ist thegleich GMseiner mightKraft. requireIst thedie characterOberfläche torutschig attemptoder ainstabil moderatelykann difficultes zu Moderaten (DV 3) AthleticsAthletikproben (Agility)Geschick) rollkommen toum keepzu fromtesten slidingob order falling.Charakter ausrutscht oder stürzt.

SelectiveSelektive GravityGravitation cankann beals activatedeine withfreie aAktion freeverwendet action.werden.

Sensory DeprivationSinnesentzug

Sensory Deprivation is a medium range (50 m) power which renders the target unable to see or hear. The attack value (AV) of Sensory Deprivation is equal to the attacker's Presence + Power. The defense value (DV) of the target is equal to their Presence, or their Presence + Power if the target has Ambient Awareness. A successful Sensory Deprivation attack renders the target unable to see and unable to hear. If an attacker can't see the defender, the attacker incurs a penalty die. Conversely, if a defender can't see the attacker, the defender incurs a penalty die.

To recover from Sensory Deprivation, the target must use a task action to make a moderately difficult (DV 3) Perception (Presence) roll.

If the character has not recovered from Sensory Deprivation by the end of the scene, then they recover their senses shortly thereafter.

Shadow WalkSchattensprung

Shadow Walk permits a character to use a movement action to travel from one point to another without traversing the intervening space. The distance the character may travel before re-appearing is equal to their Agility-based walking speed per round. If the character also has the esoteric power Acceleration, the character's Power is added to their Agility to determine their walking speed, and thus the distance they may move with a Shadow Walk. The character may run or sprint using Shadow Walk. A character using Shadow Walk may carry with them whatever they can carry, based on their Brawn. This may include equipment or even other characters.

A character using Shadow Walk cannot re-appear inside of a solid object, nor into any area that is completely enclosed in a force field or other energy shield; other than this, objects in the physical world generally have no effect on a character using Shadow Walk. If a character using Shadow Walk unknowingly attempts to re-appear inside of a solid object, they lose half of their Endurance (rounded down) and are shunted to the nearest unoccupied space, or the Shadow Walk attempt fails entirely, at the GM's discretion.


Stasis isist aeine shortKraft rangemit Kurzer (1010m) m)Reichweite, powerwelch whichdas preventsZiel thean targetjeglicher fromAktion moving,hindert, thinking,die ornicht takingbeinhaltet anyaus actions other than trying to break out of it. The attack value (AV) of theder Stasis isauszubrechen. equalDer toAV thevon attacker'sStasis Agilityist +gleich Power.dem TheGeschicklichkeitswert defensedes valueAngreifers addiert zu seiner Macht. Der Verteidigungswert (DV) ofgegen theeinen targetAngriff ismit equalStasis toist theirgleich Agility.dem Geschicklichkeitswert des Ziels, oder der Summe aus Geschicklichkeit und Macht, falls das Ziel auch über die Stasisfähigkeit verfügt.

WhileUnter affecteddem byEinfluss Stasis, only a moment seems to pass for the target, but after they break out of it, they are aware that something unusual has happened, and that they have "lost time". The Brawn and Agility of a character under the effects ofvon Stasis arescheint zerofür fordie theBetroffenen purposenur ofein defenseAugenblick rolls.zu vergehen, aber wenn es ihnen gelingt sich zu befreien fällt es den Betroffenen das etwas ungewöhnliches Passiert sein muss und sie irgendwie Zeit verloren haben. Kraft und Geschicklichkeit eines Charakters unter Einfluss von Stasis sind 0, für die Zwecke von bewegungen und verteidigung.

ToUm breaksich freeaus of the Stasis, the target must make a successful defense value roll against the attack value of the attacker. If the character succeeds at this roll, they may use their remaining movement action. For example, if a character is affected byder Stasis fromzu aBefreien charactermuss withein attackBetroffener valueeinen 4,erfolgreichen theyVerteidigungswurf wouldgegen needdie toAV makedes aAngreifers rollmachen. againstIm 2d6erfolgsfall +kann 4.sich der Charakter zumindest in der selben Runde noch bewegen. Ist jemand beispielsweise von einem Stasisangriff mit 4 betroffen, so müsste dieser eine 2w6+4 Probe bestehen.

IfHat thesich characterein hasCharakter notam brokenEnde outeiner ofSzene thenoch Stasisnicht byaus theder endStase ofbefreit, thewird scene,dies thenkurz theydanach break out of it shortly thereafter.passieren.


The Suggestion power allows a character to influence a living creature's behaviour, forcing the target to obey the character's command. The attack value (AV) of the Suggestion is equal to the attacker's Presence + Power. The defense value (DV) of the target is equal to their Presence. Suggestion is a short range (10 m) power, but once the Suggestion is successful, it will remain so even if the target leaves this range.

Characters under the influence of a Suggestion are not as effective as those whose wills are their own. Any roll attempted by a character under the influence of Suggestion (other than trying to break out of it) incurs a roll penalty (-3), and a character under the influence of Suggestion is not able to spend plot points on anything other than trying to break out of it.

To break free of the Suggestion, the target must make a successful defense value roll against the attack value of the attacker. If the character succeeds at this roll, they may use their remaining movement action. For example, if a character is affected by Suggestion from a character with attack value 6, they would need to make a roll against 2d6 + 6.

If a character under the influence of Suggestion completes the task that was Suggested to them, the Suggestion ends, and the character affected by the Suggestion will go on their way none the wiser. Similarly, if the character has not broken free of the Suggestion by the end of the scene, then they break free of it shortly thereafter.


Telekinesis is a medium range (50 m) Ranged Combat (Agility + Power) attack which permits a character to grapple a character or object without touching it. The defense value (DV) of the target is equal to their Agility plus the rating of any normal defenses such as armor, or defensive powers such as Force Field. Grabbing inanimate objects with Telekinesis is generally automatic, unless the GM wants to make it difficult for some reason.

If the attacker's Ranged Combat roll is equal to or greater than the defender's roll, the defender is restrained. A restrained character is not helpless, but they can't use normal movement until they break free of Telekinesis. Attacking a restrained character is easier, and a restrained character's attacks are easier to avoid: a restrained attacker incurs a penalty die on all attack rolls, defense rolls, and skill rolls while restrained by Telekinesis.

The maximum mass the character can lift with their Telekinesis is based on the character's Power.


Table: TelekinesisTelekinese
PowerMacht LiftHeben ThrowWerfen
0 25 kg 0 m
1 45 kg 1 m
2 60 kg 2 m
3 90 kg 3 m
4 125 kg 4 m
5 180 kg 6 m
6 250 kg 8 m
7 350 kg 11 m
8 500 kg 16 m
9 700 kg 23 m
10 1,000 kg 32 m

Telekinesis is not normally able to inflict damage directly (like a punch), but the attacker may attempt to squeeze or slam a held target by making another attack with their Telekinesis on one of their future turns.

BreakingAus Freeder OfTelekinese TelekinesisFreibrechen

To break free of the Telekinesis, the restrained character must use a task action to roll their Agility or Brawn (whichever is greater) against the attacker's Agility + Power. If the restrained character has Telekinesis, they may use their Agility + Power for this roll. If the restrained character's roll is equal to or greater than the grappling character's roll, the restrained character has broken free of the Telekinesis, and they may use their movement action for that turn. Alternately, the attacker may release the restrained character at any time, without using an action.

HurtingEin Agehaltenes HeldZiel Targetverletzen

If the attacker wishes to exert telekinetic strength in an attempt to hurt the restrained character, they must use an action to make another Ranged Combat (Agility + Power) roll against the restrained character.

MovingEin Agehaltenes HeldZiel Targetbewegen

A character with Telekinesis may move what they are holding with the power. If the attacker wishes to move or throw the held character, the distance an attacker may move the defender is based on the Power of the attacker and the mass of the restrained character. First, look up the mass of the defender or object to be moved in the "Lift" column (rounding to the nearest mass value), and find the corresponding Power for that mass. Subtract that from the Power of the attacker, and look up that resulting value in the "Throw" column. This is how far the attacker can move or throw the held character.


TelepathyTelepathie permitsermöglecht aes characterCharakteren tosich communicatedierekt directlymit withdem theGeist mindeiner ofanderen anotherPerson person.zu Theverbinden. attackDer valueAngriffswert von Telepathie ist gleich der Summe aus Wille und Macht des Angreifers. Die Verteidigung eines Ziels ist gleich seinem Willen, falls es sich verteidigen möchte. Telepahtie ist normalerweise eine Kraft mit vergleichsweise Kurzer Reichweite. Ist der Akteur aber auf das Ziel Eingestimmt, oder das ziel selbst verfügt über die Gleichen Kräfte, so nimmt die Reichweite zu. Zwei Telepaten können sich auch über Astronomische Distanzen hinweg (AV)1AE) of the Telepathy is equal to the attacker's Presence + Power. To communicate directly with the mind of another person, the character must succeed at a Diplomacy (Presence + Power) roll. The defense value (DV) of the target is equal to their Presence. Telepathy is normally a short range (10 m) power. However, if the target of Telepathy also has Telepathy, the maximum distance between the telepath and the target is effectively unlimited.unterhalten.

WithBei aeinem willingZiel, targetdas orkeinen awiederstand successfulleistet, attackoder roll,bei theeinem telepatherfolgreichen mayAngriff mentallyist communicateein withTelepath thein targetder andLage maydie readGedanken theirdes thoughtsZiels andzu memories.lesen und mit ihm zu kommunizieren.

ToUm breakeinen freeTelepathischen ofAngriff theabzuschütteln Telepathy,Muss thedas targetziel mustsich makeerfolgreich agegen successfulden defenseInnitialen valueAngriff rollwehren againstoder theeinen attackErneuten valueVerteidigungswurf ofgegen theTelepathie attacker. For example, if a character is affected by Telepathy from a character with attack value 7, they would need to make a defense value roll against 2d6 + 7.bestehen.


Torment is a short range (10 m) mental Ranged Combat (Presence + Power) attack which inflicts "stunning" Endurance damage. The action value (AV) of Torment is equal to the attacker's Presence + Power, and the target's defense value (DV) is equal to their Presence. Torment ignores all normal forms of protection such as armor and energy shields. However, Torment is completely ineffective against non-living objects, even if they are sentient.

Damage from Torment is temporary. Record it separately; it all comes back after the fight is over, when the character has had a chance to rest and recuperate.


Ward permits a character to use their psiblade or psistaff as protection against most normal single-target attacks: anything which inflicts Endurance damage and is aimed at the individual character. The defense value (DV) of a character with the Ward power is equal to their relevant defense attribute (Brawn for close combat, Agility for ranged combat) plus the rating of their psiblade or psistaff. As always, this does not stack with armor, energy shields, or other forms of defense -- only the highest defense value applies.

Ward does not need to be activated: it is always on, as long as the character is alert and has a psiblade in their possession.

NewNeue PowersKräfte

YouEventuell mightfindest notdu finddie theKräfte powerdie youdu wanthaben möchtest nicht in thisder chapter.Obrigen AfterListe. all,Alles thein pageallem countist ofder thisUmfang bookdieses isRegelwerks limited,limitiert, whilewährend youres imaginationdie isVorstellungskraft not.nicht Ifist. theFalls powerdie youKraft wantdie isdu verygern similarhättest toeiner oneVorhandenen alreadyähnelt, listed,ist thees easiestam thingEinfachsten toName dound isbeschreibung justleicht changezu theManipulieren nameund anddies descriptionzu slightly,übernehmen. andRede getmit ondeinem withSpielleiter theund game.deinen TalkMitspielern toob thesie GMdamit andzufrieden thesind. otherFalls playersdas aboutso it,ist, andist seedas ifProblem theybereits agree. If they do, your problem is solved.gelöst.

OnAuf theder otherAnderen hand,seite notfunktioniert everythingnicht thatalles workswas in aeiner storyGeschichte worksPassiert inauch aim game.Spiel. It'sEs entirelyist possiblemöglich toeine createKraft zu erfinden, die an invisiblebeliebigen powerStellen thatbeliebige canPersonen attackangreifen anyone,kann, anywhere,ohne atdas noeine riskgefahr tofür theden characterVerwender --entsteht, butaber where'sdies thewürde funim inSpiel that?keinen IfSpaß themachen. powerFalls youdas havewas imagineddu isdir significantlyausgedacht morehast powerfulbedeutend thanStärker anythingist inals thisalles chapter,was thensonst maybehier youaufgeführt shouldwird, gosollte backdie toKraft thenochmal drawingüberdacht board.werden.

VillainKräfte Powersvon Schurken

PowersKräfte canvon sometimesSchurken workkönnen quitemanchmal differentlysehr forverschieden villainsvon thanden itGleichen doesKräften forbei heroes.helden Forsein. example,Ein aCharakter charactermit withBesitzergreifen Possessionwird willselten rarelyüber beeinen ablelängeren toZeitraum maintainjemanden theirkontrollieren, control over a target for very long, but a villain might have anein NPC underSchurke theirjedoch controlkann foreventuell weeksseine orUntergebenen evenüber years.wochen Story-basedund powersMonate cankontrollieren. accomplishKräfte thingsdie thatauf areder simplyGeschichte beyondbasieren, thekönnen capabilitiesdinge oferreichen, playerdie characters.über However,die doFähigkeiten notvon overuseCharakteren thishinausgehen. technique,Allerdings orsollten theGMs playersvorsichtig willsein, growdieses tiredMittel ofzu it.überstrapazieren, da es sonst Langweilig werden kann.