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Zero Space : Außerirdische (In Arbeit)

Auf seinem Höhepunkt umfasste das alte Imperium millionen von bewohnten welten und selbst das ist nur ein bruchteil der Welten des Universums, die überhaupt bewohnt sind. Verstreut über diese welten ist eine vielzahl von Intelligenten lebensformen, deren vielfalt den Verstand überfordern würde. Anstatt eine Umfassende liste aller dieser Außerirdischen Lebensformen zu führen, stellt ZeroSpace eine Sammlung von eigenschaften Außerirdischer zur verfügung, mit denen jeder seine Eigene Extraterrestrische Spezies erstellen kann. Es steht den Spielenden auch frei die Liste mit neuen Eigenschaften zu erweitern, sollte dies Gewünscht sein.

Von diesen Eigenschaften abgesehen, lassen sich Aliens in ZeroSpace im großen und ganzen in drei Kategorien einordnen: Humanoide, Androide und Exotische

Der Typ lässt sich mit der Folgenden Tabelle auch zufällig bestimmen.

Zufallsgenerator Alientyp
Wurf 3w6 Typ
3-13 Humanoid
14-15 Android
16-18 Exotisch

Humanoide Außerirdische

Humanoide Außerirdische sind die häufigsten, und sind in größe und physis einem menschen Ähnlich. Sie mögen sich kosmetisch (Hautfarbe, Haarfarbe, Augenfarbe etc) unterscheiden, haben aber Technisch gesehen die gleiche anzahl an Gliedmaßen und ein Vergleichbares Gesichtszüge. Sie mögen zwar über Hörner, Spitze Ohren oder Tentakeln statt Haaren verfügen aber die Ähnlichkeit zum menschen ist nicht abzustreiten.

Zufallserstellung Humanoider Außerirdischer

Mit den folgenden Tabellen lassen sich Humanoide Außerirdische in ihren eigenschaften zufällig bestimmen:

Wurf 1w6 Sättigung
1 Blass
2 Hell
3 Mittel
4 Tief
5 Dunkel
6 Gemustert (2 Farben)
Wurf 1w6 Farbe
1 Blau
2 Braun
3 Grün
4 Grau
5 Rot
6 Gelb

Optional kann Blassgrau auch Weiß bedeuten und Dunkelgrau kann Schwarz bedeuten.

Wurf 1w6 Typ
1 Kreisförmige Pupillen
2 Schlitzartig Horizontale Pupillen
3 Schlitzartig Vertikale Pupillen
4 Ohne Pupillen
5 Vollfarbig
6 Facettenaugen
Wurf 1w6 Sättigung
1 Blass
2 Hell
3 Mittel
4 Tief
5 Dunkel
6 Leuchtend
Wurf 1w6 Farbe
1 Blau
2 Braun
3 Grün
4 Grau
5 Rot
6 Gelb

Optional kann Blassgrau auch Weiß bedeuten und Dunkelgrau kann Schwarz bedeuten.


Wurf 1w6 Typ
1 Haarlos
2 Normal behaart
3 Struktur ohne Haare
4 Zwei Strukturen ohne Haare
5 Struktur mit Haaren
6 Zwei Strukturen mit Haaren
Wurf 1w6 Strukturen
1 Antennen
2 Augenwulst
3 Kopfwulst
4 Hörner
5 Spitze Ohren
6 Tentakeln
Wurf 1w6 Haarfarbe
1 Blass
2 Hell
3 Mittel
4 Tief
5 Dunkel
6 Leuchtend
Wurf 1w6 Haarfarbe
1 Blau
2 Braun
3 Grün
4 Grau
5 Rot
6 Gelb

Optional kann Blassgrau auch Weiß bedeuten und Dunkelgrau kann Schwarz bedeuten.

Haut und Augenfarbe sind selbstverständlich individuell. Eine Spezies mag verschiedene Töne der Hautfarbe oder sogar verschiedene Farben insgesammt haben.


Androiden sind Künstliche Lebensformen, die geschaffen wurden um mit Biologischen Lebensformen zu Interagieren und auf Konversationen und sozialverhalten einzugehen. Androiden werden meistens für einen bestimmten Zweck gebaut. Ob Androiden einen eigenen Willen haben ist grundlage für Diskussionen. Auf einigen welten werden Androiden als nicht mehr als ein Mobiles Werkzeug betrachtet, während sie auf anderen Welten die selben Rechte und Privilegien genießen wie andere Intelligente Lebensformen. Auf Welten, auf denen Androiden als eigentum betrachtet werden gibt es häufig beschränkungen darin wie weit die Befähigung zu sozialem verhalten sein darf, während auf anderen Welten, auf denen sie die Gleichen Rechte wie Intelligentes Leben haben, ihre Produktion eingeschränkt ist. Androiden können über eine Menschliche Form verfügen oder auch nicht, je nach Aufgabengebiet und gefallen des Herstellers. Sie können in ihrem Verhalten und Aussehen offensichtlich Künstlich wirken oder Lebensecht und quasie ununterscheidbar zu den Lebewesen denen sie nachempfunden wurden. Lebensechte Androiden sind auf einigen Welten verboten. Eine Sicherung gegen das Verletzen von Biologischem Leben wird den meisten Androiden bei ihrer Herstellung einprogrammiert und gehört auch zu den Dingen die am Häufigsten nachträglich aus der Programmierung entfernt werden.

Während Andoriden nicht essen, schlafen oder sich heilen müssen, haben sie funktionen, die ähnlichen Zwecken dienen. Sie müssen sich wieder aufladen, ihre Systeme Pausieren oder einer Analyse und Reperatur unterziehen. Wie bei exotischen Aliens können diese dinge durch das erwerben einer entsprechenden eigenschaft ignoriert werden.

Alle Androiden müssen Zwangsweise die folgenden Eigenschaften erwerben:

  • Immunität gegen Ersticken
  • Immunität gegen Gifte

Einige Außerirdische Eigenschaften die häufiger bei Androiden Vorkommen sind:

  • Rüstung
  • Datenanschluss
  • Unsterblichkeit
  • Rechengenie
  • Perfekte Erinnerung
  • Selbstversorgend

Exotische Außerirdische

Exotische Außerirdische mögen oberflächlich menschen ähneln oder auch gar nicht. Was sie zu einer eigenen Gruppe macht, sind Eigenschaften die sie besitzen die sie von Menschen und Humanoiden Aliens abheben. Die Grenze zwischen Humanoiden und Exotischen Außerirdischen ist dabei willkürlich.

Zufallserstellung Exotischer Außerirdischer

Um einen Exotischen Außerirdischen Zufällig zu erstellen verwende die Folgenden Tabellen:

Zufälliger Exotischer Typ
Wurf 1d6 Typ
1 Humanoid mit Tierkopf
2 Anthropomorphes Tier
3 Anthropomorphe Pflanze
4 Insectoide
5 Symmetrischer Organismus
6 Seltsame Biologie


Zufallstabelle Exotischer Eigenschaften
Wurf 1d6 Tierart
1 Vogelartig
2 Hundeartig
3 Kopffüßler
4 Katzenartig
5 Marderartig
6 Reptilartig
Wurf 1d6 Symmetrie (Symmetrischer Organismus)
1 Baumartig Achsensymmetrisch
2 Baumartig Radialsymmetrisch
3 Kugelförmig Achsensymmetrisch
4 Kugelförmig Radialsymmetrisch
5 Geschlängelt Achsensymmetrisch
6 Geschlängelt Radialsymmetrisch
Wurf 1d6 Seltsame Biologie
1 Kolonialorganismus (bestimme eine Symmetrie)
2 Kristallförmig (bestimme eine Symmetrie)
3 Nicht Humanoid Cybernetisch(bestimme eine Symmetrie)
4 Gasförmig
5 Pilzartig (bestimme eine Symmetrie)
6 Zähflüssig

Alien Traits

This is a list of typical alien traits found in a ZeroSpace game. This list is not exhaustive. A character may well have a trait not listed here, subject to GM approval. However, any new traits should be approximately as useful as these traits, in order to maintain a sense of fairness with other characters. Each alien trait costs one character point. We suggest spending no more than 5 character points total on alien traits, gifts, and esoteric powers.

Would you like to randomly generate a character's alien traits? You can! If the character is a humanoid alien, randomly roll one alien trait. Otherwise, consult the "Number of alien traits" table.


Table: Random alien traits
Roll 1d6 Traits
1 Roll once on Typical alien traits
2-5 Roll twice on Typical alien traits
6 Roll three times on Typical alien traits

Count the number of alien traits, and subtract that number from your pool of character points. If the character is an android, they must also purchase the two required traits, Immunity To Suffocation and Immunity To Poison.


Table: Typical alien traits
Roll 1d6 Roll 1d6 Trait Benefit
1 1 360° Vision Can see equally well in every direction simultaneously
2 Aerial Winged or floating, the character can fly at twice their ground speed
3 Aquatic Can breathe water and survive in environments of extremely high pressure, such as in the ocean depths
4 Armor Chitin, scales, fur, or exceptionally tough skin protects the character from attacks
5 Camouflage Blend into surroundings and become difficult to perceive
6 Clinging Can move at normal ground speed along walls, ceilings, and other surfaces
2 1 Data Jack Can connect to and communicate with computers
2 Energy Shield A force field or deflector shield protects the character from attacks
3 Exceptional Beauty Get attention, and perhaps favors, from admirers
4 Frigian Can breathe methane or ammonia, and comfortable in environments of extreme cold
5 Gelatinous An undifferentiated mass, able to squeeze through a hole the size of a tennis ball
6 Healing Revitalize a character who has lost Endurance in combat
3 1 Heavyworlder Stronger and more massive than typical humanoids
2 Hyperacuity Can sense details far too small or faint for ordinary human senses to detect
3 Huge Larger and stronger than typical humanoids
4 Immortality Never grow old nor die from "natural causes"
5 Immunity To Poison Unaffected by pathogens and poisons
6 Immunity To Suffocation Does not need to breathe, and can survive in a vacuum
4 1 Infernal Immune to the effects of environmental ionizing radiation, and comfortable in environments of extreme heat
2 Life Drain A Close Combat attack which ignores all normal forms of protection
3 Linguist Learn new languages with minimal effort
4 Mental Calculator Solve complex mathematical operations by thinking about them
5 Mind Link Characters who both have Mind Link can communicate telepathically over any distance
6 Mind Shield Resistant to mental attacks and unnatural coercion
5 1 Multitasking Take additional actions during a round
2 Natural Weaponry Claws, fangs, spines, or some other natural Close Combat weaponry
3 Night Vision Can see in the dark with infrared, ultraviolet, or low-light vision
4 Perfect Recall Remember something perfectly with a Reason roll
5 Regeneration Heals much faster than the typical humanoid
6 Self-sustaining Can survive without eating through photosynthesis or some other metabolic process
6 1 Shapeshifter Can change shape and appearance
2 Subterranean Move through earth and rock as easily as air
3 Telepathy Communicate directly with the mind of another person
4 Time Theft Put a target into a fugue state, unable to move, think, or take any actions
5 Tiny Smaller and harder to hit than typical humanoids
6 Unsettling Make people nervous for no real reason

360° Vision

The character with 360° Vision can see equally well in every direction simultaneously. They probably have very large eyes, or many very small eyes.


Aerial allows a character to fly at their ground speed. They might have wings, or they might be naturally lighter than air.


An Aquatic character may breathe underwater, and is comfortable in environments of extremely high pressure, such as in the ocean depths. The character can also swim at their ground speed.


A character with the Armor trait has chitin, scales, thick fur, or just exceptionally tough skin which provides protection against most forms of direct damage: anything which inflicts Endurance damage. The defense value (DV) of a character with Armor is equal to their relevant defense attribute (Brawn for close combat, Agility for ranged combat) plus their Power. As always, this does not stack with conventional armor, energy shields, or other forms of defense -- only the highest defense value applies.


Camouflage allows the character to become difficult to perceive, by both living beings and machines. For example, the character might become transparent, they might bend light around them, or they may blend into their surroundings by modulating chromatophores in their skin. However the camouflage is achieved, the character is hidden from normal sight unless someone is actively looking for them or there is some environmental circumstance that might reveal the character's location. The action value (AV) of the Camouflage is equal to the character's Agility + Power.

If someone is actively looking for the character, perhaps by isolating their heat signature or tracking them by scent, the person trying to locate the camouflaged character must make a successful Perception (Reason) roll against the action value of the camouflaged character. A character with Clairvoyance or Hyperacuity may add their Power to their Reason when attempting to notice a camouflaged character. If an environmental circumstance might reveal the character's location, anyone in the area may attempt a Perception (Reason) roll against 2d6 + the Agility of the camouflaged character in order to notice the character. For example, fog might reveal the camouflaged character's outline, or fresh snow might reveal their footprints.


A character with the Clinging trait can move at their normal ground speed along walls, ceilings, and other surfaces as if they were level. The strength holding the character to the surface is equal to their Brawn. If the surface is slippery or unstable, the GM might require the character to attempt a moderately difficult (DV 3) Athletics (Agility) roll to keep from sliding or falling.

Data Jack

A Data Jack permits a character to connect to and communicate with computers, typically at speeds much faster than would otherwise be possible.

It is rare for creatures other than androids and cyborgs to have a Data Jack.

Energy Shield

A character with the Energy Shield trait has a force field or deflector shield which provides protection against most forms of direct damage: anything which inflicts Endurance damage. The defense value (DV) of a character with Energy Shield is equal to their relevant defense attribute (Brawn for close combat, Agility for ranged combat) plus their Power. As always, this does not stack with conventional armor, energy shields, or other forms of defense -- only the highest defense value applies.

It is rare for creatures other than androids and cyborgs to have an Energy Shield.

Exceptional Beauty

A character with the Exceptional Beauty trait is naturally, effortlessly attractive. It is difficult for the character to pass unnoticed, because they will be the focus of attention in nearly any circumstances. People who are swayed by appearance may be more likely to cooperate with the character, and the character can sometimes gain favors from admirers. If this is the case, the character gains a bonus die on relevant Presence rolls.


A character with the Frigian trait can breathe a super-cooled atmosphere such as methane or ammonia, and they are comfortable in environments of extreme cold.

The character might require some form of life support, such as a "breather" or an "environment suit", to operate comfortably in an atmosphere that most humanoids consider normal.


A character with the Gelatinous trait is an undifferentiated mass, able to squeeze through a hole the size of a tennis ball.


Healing is a Close Combat (Power) "attack" which restores lost Endurance. The character with Healing may use a task action to attempt a moderately difficult (DV 3) Close Combat (Power) roll to heal the victim's injuries. If the character succeeds at this roll, then one Endurance is restored to the victim (or more, if using the optional margin of success rules).

Healing can remove diseases, pathogens, and poisons from the target. The character with Healing may attempt a moderately difficult (DV 3) Close Combat (Power) roll to cure a single disease or purge a single toxin from the victim's system.


A character with the Heavyworlder trait is stronger and more massive (but no larger) than a typical humanoid: +1 Brawn and a mass up to 200 kilograms. The character is also comfortable in environments of extremely high pressure, such as might be found on the surface of a heavy-gravity world.


Hyperacuity allows a character to make a moderately difficult (DV 3) Perception (Reason + Power) roll to sense details far too small or faint for ordinary human senses to detect. The action value (AV) of the Hyperacuity is equal to the character's Reason + Power. On a successful roll, they can taste the number of salt grains on a pretzel, read text on a computer display by touching it, see fingerprints on surfaces, identify a person by the sound of their heartbeat, track someone through a city by their scent, and so on.


A character with the Huge trait is larger and stronger than a typical humanoid: +1 Brawn and from 2.5 meters to 4 meters tall.


The Immortality renders a character immune to the ravages of time. The character will never grow old or die from "natural causes".

Optionally, the character is never truly "dead" -- they can be re-assembled, repaired, and revived if all of their component parts can be collected or replaced.

It is rare for creatures other than androids to purchase this trait.

Immunity To Poison

A character with the Immunity To Poison trait is unaffected by chemical and biological poisons, toxins, and venoms. The character is also unaffected by infectious viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.

Immunity To Suffocation

A character with the Immunity To Suffocation trait does not need to breathe at all, and the character is comfortable in environments of extremely low pressure, such as in outer space.


A character with the Infernal trait is comfortable in superheated environments. They are also immune to the effects of environmental ionizing radiation.

The character might require some form of life support, such as a "breather" or an "environment suit", to operate comfortably in an atmosphere that most humanoids consider normal.

Life Drain

Life Drain is an unarmed Close Combat (Power) attack which inflicts Endurance damage. The action value (AV) of Life Drain is equal to the attacker's Power, and the target's defense value (DV) is equal to their Presence. Life Drain ignores all normal forms of protection such as armor and energy shields. However, Life Drain is completely ineffective against non-living objects, even if they are sentient.


Universe, an artifical language created thousands of years ago, is the official language of the Imperium. Every civilized being understands Universe, although not every species is physically capable of speaking it. Additionally, every alien species has one or more languages which they speak among themselves: some civilizations have hundreds of indigenous languages.

Barring unusual circumstances, characters are assumed to be fluent in Universe, as well as any other languages they could reasonably be expected to know. A character with the Linguist gift is fluent in over six million forms of communication, and is capable of quickly deciphering new forms of communication when they encounter them.

Mental Calculator

The character with the Mental Calculator trait can perform complex mathematical calculations in their head in the same amount of time that a skilled mathematician could perform the same calculations on a powerful computer. Also, the character has an intuitive understanding of higher mathematics, and is able to comprehend and remember intricate formulae and equations after examining them briefly.

Two characters who both have the Mind Link trait can communicate telepathically over any distance.

Mind Shield

A character with Mind Shield is resistant to mental attacks and unnatural coercion. When targeted by an attack which bases the target's defense value (DV) on the target's Presence, the character's effective Presence is doubled.

Mind Shield does not need to be activated: it is always active, as long as the character is alert.


A character with the Multitasking trait may take additional actions at the end of a round. The character may use these additional actions to make additional task actions, including combat rolls. All of the character's additional actions are resolved after all other rolls are resolved that round.

During each game session, the number of additional actions the character may use is equal to their Agility. The character may only use half of their total additional actions in any one round, and once an additional action has been used, it may not be used again in that game session. The player may wait until the end of the round before deciding whether their character will use any of their additional actions.

Natural Weaponry

A character with the Natural Weaponry trait is equipped with claws, fangs, spines, or some other natural close combat weapon. These natural weapons are difficult to take away, and will usually re-grow if removed. Natural Weaponry has an attack value (AV) equal to the character's Brawn + Power.

Night Vision

Night Vision allows a character to see in the dark. This capacity could be the result of infrared vision, ultraviolet vision, or simply exceptional low-light vision. Alternately, the character has sonar, a sense of touch so acute that they can detect and locate vibrations, or some other unusual sense.

Perfect Recall

A character with the Perfect Recall trait may perfectly remember any event, document, recording, or picture which the character has taken the effort to study and memorize. The character does not need to understand the items to be memorized, because the information memorized is not stored as text; it is in the character's memory as a picture. As such, the information is not subject to instantaneous retrieval, but the character may mentally "scroll down" or "fast forward" looking for a specific bit of data.


Regeneration accelerates the healing process and allows the character to recover from injury more quickly. Normally, an injured character may recover half of their lost Endurance (rounded down) by resting for about half an hour. After that, a character may only recover additional Endurance by getting a good night's sleep (or its equivalent, for characters who don't sleep). Barring some gruesome disfigurement, a character's Endurance will be completely replenished after a solid night's rest.

Regeneration drastically reduces this recovery time: the character recovers half of the Endurance they have lost (rounded down) after they have had a chance to rest and recuperate for one full minute. After that, the character will regain the rest of their lost Endurance by resting for about half an hour. Most characters with Regeneration can even regrow lost limbs or damaged organs.


A character with the Self-sustaining trait can survive without consuming physical matter. This might be through photosynthesis, chemosynthesis, or some other metabolic process. Alternately, the character can eat anything that will fit into their mouth.


A character with the Shapeshifter trait can change their shape and appearance, but may not increase their mass or size. The character may re-assign their physical traits (Brawn and Agility) to suit their new shape, as long as the total of Brawn + Agility remains the same or lower. The action value (AV) of the Shapeshifter is equal to the character's Presence + Power.

Assuming the shape of a specific person, creature, or object is more difficult than changing into a generic example of a particular shape. If someone is actively looking at the character, or has any reason to suspect that the character is not the genuine article, the person observing the shapeshifted character may attempt a Perception (Reason) roll against the shapeshifted character's action value. If the Perception (Reason) roll is successful, the observer can tell that the shapeshifted character is not who or what they appear to be.


A character with the Subterranean trait can move through the earth almost as easily as other people do above it. The character can tunnel through earth and rock at their ground speed, leaving a tunnel behind them.


The Telepathy trait permits a character to communicate directly with the mind of another person. The attack value (AV) of the Telepathy is equal to the attacker's Presence + Power. The defense value (DV) of the target is equal to their Presence. Telepathy is normally a short range (10 m) power. However, if the target of Telepathy also has Telepathy, the maximum distance between the telepath and the target is effectively unlimited.

With a willing target or a successful attack roll, the telepath may mentally communicate with the target and may read their thoughts and memories.

To break free of the Telepathy, the target must make a successful defense value roll against the attack value of the attacker. For example, if a character is affected by Telepathy from a character with attack value 7, they would need to make a defense value roll against 2d6 + 7.

Time Theft

Time Theft is a short range (10 m) power which prevents the target from moving, thinking, or taking any actions other than trying to break out of it. The attack value (AV) of Time Theft is equal to the attacker's Power. The defense value (DV) of the target is equal to their Agility, or their Agility + Power if the target also has Time Theft.

To break free of the Time Theft, the target must use a task action to roll their defense value against the attack value of the attacker. For example, if a character is affected by Time Theft from an attacker with attack value 9, they would need to make a roll against 2d6 + 9.


A character with the Tiny trait is smaller and more difficult to hit than a typical humanoid: from 50 centimeters to 100 centimeters tall. Tiny characters are more nimble than larger humanoids (+1 Agility).


A character with the Unsettling trait puts off a disturbing vibe that makes people nervous for no discernible reason. Strangers will find themselves disliking the character without knowing why, and normal animals will avoid the character unless forced to approach by a trainer or some other circumstance. On the other hand, the character may find it easier to intimidate others, providing a bonus die on relevant Presence rolls.

Alien Motivations

The motivations of individuals are often at odds with the motivations of the culture to which they belong. Individually, a colonist may be kind and compassionate, even as her civilization systematically commits genocide and destroys entire ecosystems in their quest for expansion. This is a paradox; nonetheless it is true.

Would you like to randomly generate the motivations of an alien culture? You can!

Table: Random alien motivations, Table 1
Roll 2d6 Complexity
2 Roll twice on Table 2
3-7 Roll three times on Table 2
8-11 Roll four times on Table 2
12 Schism: roll on table 1 again, and see the note below

Schism: The species' society is divided into two or more opposing and mutually antagonistic cultures. Roll on Table 1 again to determine the complexity of the species' motivations. When rolling on Table 2, make a note of the first roll and its opposite. The majority of the society has the first motivation rolled (and all successive rolls), but a significant minority has the opposing motivation (the rest of their motivations are all the same). For example, the opposing motivation of "adventure" is "security".


Table: Random alien motivations, Table 2
Roll 1d6 Roll 1d6 Motivation
1 1 Adventure
2 Asceticism
3 Audacity
4 Community
5 Compassion
6 Courage
2 1 Curiosity
2 Detachment
3 Enlightenment
4 Exploration
5 Freedom
6 Idealism
3 1 Justice
2 Mercy
3 Nobility
4 Passion
5 Pride
6 Rebellion
Roll 1d6 Roll 1d6 Motivation
4 1 Security
2 Materialism
3 Subtlety
4 Individualism
5 Wrath
6 Fear
5 1 Faith
2 Responsibility
3 Secrecy
4 Isolation
5 Control
6 Pragmatism
6 1 Vengeance
2 Ruthlessness
3 Fellowship
4 Serenity
5 Humility
6 Traditionalism